
Joint statement by the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany and Romania, Hosts of the Third Ministerial Conference of the Moldova Support Platform

22.11.2022 - Press release

The third Ministerial Conference of the Moldova Support Platform took place today in Paris. The Conference was attended by Foreign Ministers and high-level representatives of 36 partner States, as well as heads or representatives of 15 key international organisations. The Moldova Support Platform (MSP) is an inter-governmental instrument which aims to help the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter – “Moldova”) overcome the massive challenges it faces, especially in the context of Russia’s ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine. The first two ministerial conferences were held in Berlin and Bucharest, co-hosted by Romania, Germany and France.

Building on the significant progress achieved in Berlin and Bucharest, the third Conference focused on identifying operational solutions to address Moldova’s most pressing needs. The conference put a strong emphasis on proposing concrete solutions and immediate assistance in the field of energy, in order to improve Moldova’s resilience. Condemning Russia’s cynical use of energy as a tool for blackmail and destabilization, the participants agreed to strengthen the mobilisation of the international community in order to provide Moldova with concrete political, financial and technical assistance to enhance the country’s energy security on both short- and mid-term.

The co-chairs of six thematic working groups established within the framework of the MSP provided the heads of delegations with an account of the progress made since the previous conferences and the proposed steps to bring answer adjusted to Moldova’s needs. Focusing on economic assistance, the humanitarian situation of refugees, public administration reform and public finance management, the fight against corruption, effective border management and energy challenges, these working groups confirmed their critical importance in mapping Moldova’s needs and identifying operational solutions.

Today in Paris, the participants to the Moldova Support Platform reaffirmed their commitment to supporting Moldova’s European integration process, based on consistent efforts and reforms, and on their sharing of common fundamental values of democracy, freedom and peace. They welcomed Moldova’s clear political commitment in this respect and acknowledged the commitment and concrete steps undertaken in order to address the recommendations in the European Commission’s opinion on its EU membership application. They commended the Republic of Moldova’s decision to host the next meeting of the European Political Community in 2023, which will constitute an important milestone to discuss Europe’s political and strategic future.

The participants reconfirmed their interest in contributing to Moldova’s stability, prosperity and development, by proposing operational solutions addressing the most pressing socio-economic challenges, and the priorities of its reform agenda. The participants committed to continue cooperating in a concrete and comprehensive way, in order to support Moldova.

The next Conference of the Moldova Support Platform will take place in Moldova in 2023.


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