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Disinformation is divisive, has the potential to exacerbate crises and is damaging public discourse around the world. How do we respond when foreign actors manipulate information with bots, fake websites and deception? What is the Federal Foreign Office doing to address this situation?
The Federal Government approved its new Digital Strategy at the government “away day” in Meseberg on 31 August. The Federal Foreign Office helped develop the content of the strategy and was able to contribute valuable experience from its own digitalisation strategy.
Disinformation and fake news are a global threat. Whether in the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change or – as a very topical and inhumane example – Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, facts are being distorted and untruths spread around the world.
Lithuania’s new Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis is today visiting Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas. Lithuania hosts a NATO battlegroup and is also a close economic partner of Germany.
Particularly on social media, hate speech corrodes the culture of debate and the solidarity among internet users in our open societies. These challenges and potential counter-strategies were discussed at the virtual conference held on 18 February 2021.
Estonia, France, Germany, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia have together drawn up a non‑paper that contains proposals for the EU’s future cyber diplomacy.